Week 2 of FF

Tova destroying Sand Castles at West Beach
Tova destroying Sand Castles at West Beach

Future Footprints Week 1

The sun vanished, the cold and rain came. Great.

Tova has had a great week at FF. She is happy, they are happy, I am happy.

We were going to the beach each day after class, but then it got cold. I feel like I’m in winter. It’s just horrible. Summer hasn’t really kicked in this year. Such a shame.

Today Tova and I went to the movies at Marion. We watched ‘Annie’, the re-make. It was really fun, perhaps a bit long, but we had nothing better to do.

We had lunch and then cake in Marion, it is a very expensive place to eat.

On the drive home Tova spotted the big pool with the massive water slides and requested that we go there. Gawd.. It looks scary to me. Perhaps I’ll get brave tomorrow or next weekend.. We shall see.

Other than that, we have pretty much just spent our time on Google plus video chat with the boys and eating.

Rain again tomorrow. Perhaps we will go to the city and have a look at city market, or ummm, I’ll google something to do, there doesn’t seem much to do indoors that doesn’t involve shopping.

Sunday 11 Jan 2015

It's sunday today, the day wasn't so sunny so the beach wasn't in play. I asked Tova what she wanted to do today, she signed that she wanted to go to the city. So we did. I thought it would be nice to check out the central market, but of course, after spending ages finding parking, it was closed. So we walked to the mall and had lunch. Sushi of course. Tova was asking me about the ballet and the city today, heaps, I think she thinks that going to the city means going to see the balet, because we often do that in Melbourne. CUTE.

After lunch and walking for ever to get back to the car we went to the supermarket and then back 'home'. The sun came out, sort of, well it was reasonably hot. So we went to the beach for a while.. YAY!

Tova at West Beach Adelaide..

Day 3 - Future Footprints 2015

Tova and I are on Adelaide time now, yeh, it’s only half an hour difference, but that can mean the world at midnight and 6am. We are in sync now.

Tova was very happy to go to ‘Adelaide School’ this morning. It’s so great that she loves it so much. It was a very hot and very beautiful morning. I went for a swim and what not. It’s such a nice life. I did loads of work today too. I got some internet sorted out than goodness.

When I picked Tova up the Thunder started. Tova luckily didn’t want to go to the beach. I think she is tired. She wanted to watch ‘Home Alone’, so she did. Yuval express posted me my dongle and the prescription for Pred as I had forgotten to bring Pred with me, so Tova and I went to the chemist after her movie, it started to bucket down, I’m glad Tova asked to drive rather than walk, because even though the chemist is around the corner, we would have got soaked.

The lightening was impressive. Tova thought so too. And because we are on the beach the thunder roared so loud it shook the ground.

The bucket bath has saved my life, it’s so great. Tova is in bed now. I can hear her playing, not sleeping.. it’s almost 9pm.. Maybe bedtime needs to change these days.. Both kids don’t seem to go to sleep at 7.30 anymore.. Hmmmm. Might have to talk to friends with kids the same age and ask around what bed time is these days.

We do it all again tomorrow. I hope it stops raining, We want to play! Especially on the weekend. There is a great park across the road. I guess if it rains it’s a good excuse to go to the movies or a shopping centre.

Days 1 & 2 of Future Footprints 2015

Internet has been a bit tricky. But it's mostly sorted now.. hopefully. And if not, Yuval has express posted me my dongle.

Our hotel and the people that run it are amazing. We are so happy here. It's newly renovated, bright, white and on the beach

Our first night here was a bit noisy, listening to the people (mostly kids crying and so forth) in the other apartments. But perhaps I’ll get used to it. Or go buy ear plugs.. I may even go join Tova in her room as it seem to be a bit quieter. Tova slept well. She stayed in her bed all night and was asleep when I got up.

I dropped her off at the therapy and she was at home right away. She remembers the pace and the people. I didn’t stick around for long. I then went to find a fruit and veg shop, but remembered that they don’t really exist here. So off to the supermarket I went.

I decided that the supermarket in the Adelaide DFO would do just nicely.. I went to about 6 shops, got bored, supermarket shopped, got even border and went back to the apartment.

My day was mostly wasted trying to sort out the internet. I gave up getting any work done.. Sorry clients!

I picked Tova up (Tova’s friend from school is here too, in the apartment next to ours, and is also doing future footprints, so we drove in together). Tova was very happy to see me. She is such a little light.

I had set up our bathers earlier in the day so that the second we got home, we got changed and went to the beach. It was great fun. Then home, dinner, books, bed etc.

Day two has been some what the same. But this morning I did a body attack class, swam at the beach and then tried to fix the net. Gave up on doing work for the day. Again, sorry clients. It’s out of my control.

Tova and I went swimming again after her ‘school’. It’s quite the life here!

I hope to have the net all sorted 100% tomorrow so I feel like I will settle in and start a routine. I’ll also find out what Tova is up to all day. She is probably going to be more settled by the end of tomorrow’s session.

There is no bath here, and that’s quite back breaking with a Tova, so I went to Masters today and got a VERY large bucket. It’s Tova size. She used it as her bath tonight. Cute.

Bucket shower bath to save my back. It's great.

Kaniva - Adelaide

We slept with the air con on because there was quite a lot of smoke in the air. Tova played musical beds for hours before passing out. I lost my calm a few times, which she LOVES for some reason. It makes her laugh when people shout at her "STOP IT" and so on.. Which only made me want to kill her more.

Eventually she did fall asleep, next to me in my bed. (there were three beds in our room). We woke at 7am ish. We were ready to leave by 9ish. Yep, it takes us that long to get ready. We obviously weren't in any hurry.

We drove and drove and drove and drove and drove and drove and drove, with quite a few stops here and there. No rain, no smoke and no wind. It was easy. It was a long drive but eventually we arrived at Adelaide just before 2pm.

Where we are staying is very, very similar to Brighton beach. Beach one side and our apartment the other side of a busy enough road. NOT BAD!!! The apartment has just been renovated and looks absolutely brand new. It’s lovely.

Once we unpacked we went to the supermarket and got a few things for dinner. Not much is open on a Sunday in Adelaide.
After dinner Tova and I went to the beach across the road. She was delighted. We put our feet in the water and let the waves crash on us. It was so much fun

Summer time in Adelaide. We love the beach

Future Footprints 2015

  • Tova destroying Sand Castles at West Beach

    Week 2 of FF

    Tova destroying Sand Castles at West Beach

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  • Future Footprints Week 1

    The sun vanished, the cold and rain came. Great. Tova has had a great week at FF. She is happy, they are happy, I am happy. We were going to the beach each day after class, but then it got

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  • Storm in Adelaide January 2015

    Day 3 - Future Footprints 2015

    Tova and I are on Adelaide time now, yeh, it’s only half an hour difference, but that can mean the world at midnight and 6am. We are in sync now. Tova was very happy to go to ‘Adelaide School’ this

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  • Tova bucket bath in the shower.

    Days 1 & 2 of Future Footprints 2015

    Internet has been a bit tricky. But it's mostly sorted now.. hopefully. And if not, Yuval has express posted me my dongle. Our hotel and the people that run it are amazing. We are so happy here. It's newly renovated,

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  • Summer time beach in Adelaide

    Kaniva - Adelaide

    We slept with the air con on because there was quite a lot of smoke in the air. Tova played musical beds for hours before passing out. I lost my calm a few times, which she LOVES for some reason.

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  • tova and I road trip from melbourne to kaniva in bush fires and storms

    Melb - Kaniva Road Trip

    Tova and I drove from about 10.30 till 5ish. We made it to the same hotel as last year. It's just of fun to be in the same hotel. We feel like regulars. Tova and I talked and looked out

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