
Nissim has his first Wobbly Tooth! It is pretty exciting. He looked quite shocked when I told him.. He is a funny one, a bit of a wuss.. :-) But then he realised that I was very excited and he decided that he would go with it being fun! We have been talking about the going rate of the tooth fairy these days. I have been informed that it is more than $1 now. 

I'm not feeling very well today.. So I went to get a prescription of pred filled incase Tova gets sick. The prescription had expired so I had to go beg a doctor to give me a new one without seeing Tova.. that was fun.. 

Tova is going really well with walking. She doesn't really use her walking frame anymore and has moved onto using walking sticks. 

I have invited all Tova's class mates to her birthday party and have only heard back from ONE person. It is very strange. I am also surprised that not one person has invited her to their party this year. Either no one has parites, or she isn't popular? The teacher says that the kids don't seem to have parties, so she has been giving them one at  school when it is their birthday. HOW STRANGE... Well we will be happy to have the party with her one class friend and the other couple of friends we invited from outside of school..