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Habit-ile Sydney

Habit-ile Sydney

Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Tova and I have recenetly returned from a 2 week therapy trip to Sydney. The therapy was located at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance

We stayed in a stunning apartment in Manly, which isn’t far from the CP Alliance. Tova, Nissim and I drove up to Syd with a quick stop in Canberra for a night to visit my brother and his family. Of course the second we pulled into the drive way, Nissim was out of the car and I didn’t see him till the next morning (cousins). Tova vanished with Auntie Veronica to the piano too. It was lovely

The second day of driving was fine. We drove through about 10 tunnels to get to Manly. I had no Idea Sydney was so beautiful. I’ve been there plenty of times for work in the past, but usually only to the city. This time I was exposed to more of Sydney and I’m blown away. The entire place is beaches, warm winters and forest. I just had no idea. It’s a spectacular place.

I think we arrived on a Saturday late afternoon. There were a few dramas with parking, we sorted them out and settled in.
Sunday evening one of Tova’s support workers arrived from Melbourne. She stayed with us for the first week and took Nissim home on Friday, back to Melbourne (school + commitments).

The first week was good for Tova. The therapy is all about play of course, as they all are. The therapists and helpers in the room with the kids were outstanding. Such lovely people. Tova was with Michelle for her time there and they created a lovely friendship bond. It was beautiful to see

The second week a support worker from Sydney met us every second day and hung out with Tova and Michelle. Why you ask.. why did Tova need a support worker, well.. Let me tell you. I work from ‘home’ which means I work from anywhere and everywhere I am. So I couldn’t spend my days with Tova in the therapy program, and the therapy program doesn't cater for kids that need toileting assistance, so yep, we hired someone to hang out at the centre in case she needed assistance with the bathroom. On the days that there was no support worker, I set up in an empty office at CPA and worked from there. It's a great building with lots of space to work from.

Since being back we've seen some improvement with Tova's balance and she learned how to colour in and build lego like never before!

We have also started music therapy and Phsyio once a week, which is so, so good for Tova, so good. Thank you NDIS. We are on the search for an OT, which she will start weekly too. It feels like Tova’s entire life is a fun intensive therapy program now, which is a game changer. It’s so good for her.

Adelaide 2019

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