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Day Five

Last night Tova and I didn't sleep well. I am not sure why she was stirring so much, perhaps because this room gets too hot. I do have to open the window during the night to cool the room down - outside is something like 1 degree. I didn't sleep because I was so worried about Tova getting sick and what I would do if she does get sick and everything else that goes with that.. It was making me crazy.

Yep, the day was very similar. Tova was woken up by Yuval on Skype. That seems to make a great start to her day and end to his.

Tova went to class at 8.30, I went to the shops with the dads, while some of the other mums did 'Insanity' (Like body attack but harder). I got baby panadol, electrolytes and looked around for soy yogurt. Soy yogurt doens't exist here. Poor T, it is her favorite. I also went to the local cheese factory and got some Maple Cheese, it is good. And some real maple syrup to take home.

At 11.30 all the parents went in to talk to the therapists about the kiddies individual progress and programs. I was quite taken aback by the very strange fact that first of all there was a therapist sick at work, and that therapist was the one working with Tova. I couldn't concentrate on anything she was saying to me, all I was thinking was how strange it was that I didn't want to offend her by telling her not to work with Tova while she was sick, and how stupid it is that I am worried about offending her when quite possibly she could get Tova sick and in hospital.. So, I really can't say much about what the therapist was telling me. I was in shock.

So, I have talked to the owner and asked him to politely ensure that Tova isn't ever working with someone sick. Not sure why they were at work to begin with. There is actually a policy here that when the kids are sick they aren't to attend class, so why do the therapists? Very strange. I am on edge. I'm not angry or upset with anyone, I know the world doesn't' revolve around us, but I am scared.

There aren't classes over the weekend, but there are 2 Hyper sessions a day. Not fun. I actually fell asleep for 30 seconds in there today, woken by Tova scratching my face with her long nails.. thanks for that. The kids get bored in there too, it is hard to entertain them for the entire time. I read Tova a few books, we lay down and looked at the light on the ceiling and we glanced at the movie playing.


didn't sleep well
We didn't sleep well

Day Six
Day Four

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