
It has been a while. 
Tova has been well, and when she hasn't, she has stayed home. 

Tova is now on school holidays, term one of grade one done. Amazing. 

Nissim still has the rest of this week before he is on holidays. He is loving prep and he and Tova have been doing homework together. Tova is more advanced with reading than Nissim so she helps him know when he gets words wrong etc, and Nissim tests her reading too. It is very cute to watch. 

All the therapy that Tova has been having seems to be doing amazing things. She is so focused and progressing with everything. 

Today she had a hearing test, if she had fluid on her ears she would have had grommets next week. But nope, there is none.. so no surgery! Not that I would have actually gone ahead with the grommets, but at least now I am not made to feel guilty. I just know that it is the chiro that has cleared up her ears. Hearing test before chiro = fluid, every hearing test since seeing chiro (she sees him every week or $o), the fluid has been less and less. Amazing. Truly amazing.