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Nice and Quiet

Well I really don't have much to say. Which of course is lovely.

Tova is eating loads and Nissim isn't. Nissim doesn't eat dinner often and if he does it is usually only because he has convinced us to give him porridge or cereal.  He is happy and seems to be growing (according to his clothes), so I don't worry too much.

Tova had her AFO's (ankle foot orthotics) checked out this week and the AFO guy assures me that Tova's feet have grown and that we will need new AFO's in a few months. So, Tova is also growing. As she should be, she eats so much.

Tova is trying to self feed more and more, which is something to look forward to. Her food is still all pureed but with a few more lumps. Slowly, slowly.

That's all. Nice and quiet around here at the moment.

Weaning From the DVD
Nissim and His Pupik